Friday, December 11, 2015

Thomas Abthorpe Cooper Artifacts

Front Cover

This is one of the many biographies about me. The title being: Thomas Abthorpe Cooper:  Father of The American Stage, 1775-1849 by F. Arant Maginnes. It mentions how I'm the chief transitional figure between the Britain and American stage and how I have contributed greatly to the development of American theatre. This book focuses a lot on my acting career, of course. Actually this book, to simplify it, just like how it is a biography, covers my whole life starting at when I was born outside of London. I have traveled a lot during my life time for the different roles I've played. 
Letters that I wrote, to my mentor.   

   Website(s)used in artifact #1: 

                                                            #2  Front Cover
This is actually another biography about me. The title being: Thomas Abthorpe Cooper: America's Premier Tragedian by Goddeth Smith. It is all about my life, career, and my achievements. This book is the second biography that Goddeth wrote of an American Actor. This book explaining how hard i worked for my title of being one of the most distinguished actors.





 This is a picture of me in Shakespeare's Pericles. Pericles is a play, of course, 
the genre being comedy and romance. 
The characters are Pericles, The Prince of Tyre, Antiochus, The King of Antioch, Simonides, 
The King of Pentapolis, Thaisa, Simonides' daughter, Cleon, The Governor of Tarsus, Dionyza, 
Cleon's wife, Marina, Pericles and Thaisa's daughter, Lychorida, Marinas nurse, 
Marina, Daughter to Pericles and Thaisa, Helicanus and Escanes, 
two Lords of Tyre, Lysimachus, Governor of Mitylene, Thaliard,
 a Lord of Antioch, Marshal, A Pandar, Boult, a servant, Antiochus' daughter, 
A Bowd, Cerimon, a Lord of Epheses, Leonine, a Servant of Dionyza, 
and Philemon, a servant to Cerimon.

Websites used in artifact #3:







This is an oil painting of me done by John Wesley Jarvis. There are many paintings of me actually. 
This painting must be a romantic painting because of the brush strokes being extremely soft, the brush strokes seeming light. I speak on this because, at the moment, romanticism is extremely popular. 
Artists painting pictures of their ancestors for inspiration, I think it is amazing. 

Website(s) used: 




                                                           #5 Link to artifact

This is about a letter sent to my daughter, Mary Roule, at Mount Meigs, Montgomery County. The date on the letter being January twentieth, 1840. I was talking about how cold the weather is up north and the money I'm owed. When I say cold weather I mean the weather was terribly cold, it was freezing the river and bays. It is a simple little personal letter. 

Website(s) used: 


                                                       #6 Link to artifact

This is another letter to my daughter, Mary Roule. I was talking about a visit with Mary's sister Priscilla and her family. Also, I told Mary, through the letter, about Priscilla's role in the dedication monument at bunker hill. Bunker Hill Monument was erected to commemorate the Battle of Bunker Hill. 
This letter a personal letter as well.

Website(s) used: 



                                                  #7Thomas Holcroft

This is a painting of Thomas Holcroft. I was adopted by him and William Godwin when my father passed and when my mother left. Thomas was a dramatists, novelists, journalist, and lastly an actor like me! He was the son of a peddler. He made his living as a writer eventually. Before making his living as a writer, he worked as a stable boy, cobbler, and a teacher. 

Website(s) used:



                                                #8William Godwin by Henry William Pickersgill.jpg

This is a painting of William Godwin, the other man I was adopted by. I call him "the father of my mind." He was a novelist, political philosopher, and an English journalist. He was born in Wisbech in Cambridgeshire. His parents, John and Anne Godwin. He and Thomas Holcroft were the ones who helped me get my first big step on acting. 

Website(s) used: 



This is a visual of my daughter. She is known as "Priscilla" Cooper or "Elizabeth" Cooper. Her brother's, my son, name is James Fairlie Cooper. Priscilla, or, Elizabeth, was born June 14, 1816. She's an Official White House Hostess and First Lady of U.S, she is an Actress, Acting First Lady for President John Tyler, and a Homemaker. 

Website(s) used:


                                                #10John Philip Kemble Hamlet 1802.jpg

This is visual of John Philip Kemble. My acting was of the school of John, which is the visual next to the visual of John. We just had a bit of rivalry. He managed Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, the second one. He helped to pay for rebuilding it when it burned down around 1808.

Website(s) used: 



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